Some people collect houses while others
collect "barn find" vintage cars. Others collect
exceedingly rare coins. My aspirations are a bit more
humble: I collect vintage stereo receivers from the 60's, 70's
and 80's, many of which were
no doubt retired to the local Goodwill or Salvation Army
Boutique long before the
"vintage" collecting craze caught on. These
were the stereos that I dreamed of owning as a poor
college student at UC Irvine in the mid-1970's.
At one point, my vintage
receiver collection numbered around 120, however,
I gave
most of those away in 2008, in what has come to be known as
"The Great
Receiver Giveaway", and now the collection is down
to a paltry 30 or so.
This web site is about the vintage
receivers I decided to keep and
why I kept them.
The ones I have kept were for the most part those that had a significant impact
either technologically and/or saleswise. I used to sell
stereos for University Stereo in the late 70's, at the
height of the famous stereo receiver "Power Wars", so many of these units I am
intimately acquainted with, having A/B'd them on a
professional switching system countless times. Since our
store also did repairs in house, I am also well aware of
which units came through the back door more frequently
than other, and why.
So, this
web site is
not about ALL vintage stereo receivers, just the ones I
so that others who own them, or want to, can find
useful information. Please click
on the links above for a detailed description of the
"stars" of my collection. In addition to photographs,
many of the descriptions include reviews, brochures,
manuals and spec sheets I have found as well as links to
other interesting information including recent auction
sales and listings.
To speed page loading times, all
the photographs are thumbnailed so just click on them to see
them in all their glory.
I've also
included a couple pages about
some lesser known receivers from my collection that are "still worthy"
and tend to be priced well under the radar
for those of you who are looking for something off the
beaten track to enjoy
on your E-Bay treks. Speaking of which, if you
are going to quote my reviews in your auctions on E-bay,
give this site appropriate credit. This web site is
purely for
informational purposes.
I don't know about you, but back in the 70's I eagerly
awaited each new issue of the mainstream stereo
magazines to see the newest test reports and the ads.
Sadly all those magazines are long gone but their archives
are on the links below:
Be sure to check out my websites
on a couple of rare vintage cars, the
1902 Baker Electric Torpedoes, the
first car to reach 100 mph, and the
1955 Gaylord Gladiator, the most
epensive car in the world (at the time).
January 12, 2023
In 1978 the Concept 16.5 Receiver retailed for $950.00 and had
the distinction of being the most powerful receiver ever fielded
by a so-called "house brand", in this case, Pacific Stereo, a subsidiary
of CBS. In fact, many vintage receiver collectors regard the
Concept 16.5 as one of the best receivers ever made
by anyone. The circuitry was
designed by Dick Schram, who went on to greater glory
as the founder of Parasound. Rumor has it that Dick still collects 16.5s.
(He was also kind enough to mention this web site in an
he wrote about the roots of Parasound.) According to my Tech, Tom Ishimoto, former Manager of Product
Development for Marantz, the Concept Receivers were built in
Japan by Tandy Electronics Corporation (TEC).
For complete operating information, see the
Owner's Manual
and for more information about the entire Concept receiver line, see the
Concept Receiver
Rumor has it
that Pacific Stereo did not want to embarrass the other
manufacturers, whose gear they also retailed, so they did not submit
the 16.5 for review by any of the audio magazines of the era.
So, there are no published reviews for it.
The standout feature of the 16.5
was, of course, its "dual
mono" design with huge twin power transformers (see second
photo from the left). This design
was originally pioneered in receivers by the H/K 930, about 5 years before the
Concept. But, unlike the 930, the 16.5 was a true monster, rated at
165 w/ch RMS, with a
damping factor of
450, much higher than any other contemporary
receiver, which were usually rated less than 100. And damping
factor is a "spec" you can really feel.
It has been described as the amount of "punch" in the bass, with
the bass response of a low damping factor amplifer sounding
"floppy". In fact, the bass output
on the 16.5 is simply stunning, powerful yet crisp, and it is difficult to believe
that a Receiver is capable of such powerful sound. While a damping factor of 450
hard for some to believe, check the specifications for yourself in the
specifications above!
The 16.5 also came
with some nice features, generally not found on the
competition, like variable loudness control and LEDs
embedded in the pushbuttons which would glow green or
red to visually confirm feature status if the button was
pressed in.
My 16.5
is shown above, on the far left, with its trusty companion, the
Concept 2QD Quartz
Direct Drive Turntable. The
(link to manual and brochure) was supposedly manufactured by
Toshiba and was the only turntable ever marketed as a "Concept"
by Pacific Stereo. It was
sold along with the cutting-edge ELC Cassette Deck (Brochure) and the Concept CE-1 and CE-2 "Heil Air Motion Transformer" Speakers
(thumbnail, far right). I really like the way this combo
makes one of my favorite LPs, Rosie Vela's
Zazu, sound (watch her "Magic
Smile" video if you've never heard of her).
Note: If you
have a Concept that is in need of repair or restoration, this
guy knows his stuff:
Pacific Stereo Repair. Here is a
restoration he did. A 16.5 is well worth saving as the
prices on
these just go up and up!
The following technical
information is quoted directly from the Concept 16.5 Owner's
"A dual-gate MOSFET and
5-gang tuning capacitor provides Concept with excellent
sensitivity and immunity to overloading from very strong local
signals. Concept also has an extremely steep quieting curve to
achieve an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio on very weak
The IF section utilizes
three hand-picked, linear-phase ceramic filters to maximize
selectivity while still keeping distortion extremely low.
Precise impedance matching
of the limiter to the IF filters is also important in keeping
distortion low. Concept accomplishes this by using three
high-gain symmetrical limiters, which have over 90dB of gain.
The detector package is also high-gain, with a wide-band, low
distortion full quadrature detector. Overall gain for the IF
system is better than 130dB, assuring you of noise-free,
low-distortion reception even on the weakest signals.
A Phase-Locked Loop IC
chip in the multiplex decoder keeps the tuner perfectly
synchronized to the transmitter to achieve maximum stereo
separation and the lowest possible distortion. Steep 19 and 38
kHz filters are built in; these eliminate spurious output
signals without rolling off desired audio frequencies. This is
especially important when making a Dolby-ized tape recording off
the air, as such spurious signals can interfere with the Dolby
"The Concept 16.5's power
amplifier uses direct-coupled, fully complimentary driver and
output stages, with four output transistors per channel to
increase reliability. The transistors are mounted on extruded
aluminum heatsinks for maximum heat dissipation, another measure
promoting long transistor live. Two differential gain stages
provide the lowest possible distortion at any power level.
A slew rate of
approximately 38V/ms
assures excellent square wave response, even at 10KHz. The slew
rate exceeds the minimum required by over a 5 to 1 margin,
indicating frequency response extended far beyond specification,
and insures the clarity and transparency inherent only in a
wide-bandwidth design, with no sacrifice in ruggedness.
An active protection
circuit senses excessive current in the output stages and then
disconnects the speakers until the fault has been removed. This
circuit protects the output transistors, and also prevents DC
from reaching the speakers and damaging them.
The Concept 16.5 is the
only high powered receiver that features entirely independent
dual power supplies. This ensures that each channel can deliver
it full output power at all frequencies under all conceivable
drive conditions. The benefits of independent power supplies
extend beyond that: they insure musical clarity. In a
conventional amplifier, heavy power demands in one channel
induce cross-modulation into the other, and this crosstalk
obscures fine inner musical detail. Independent dual power
supplies insure that each channel will reproduce all the detail,
with no crosstalk, no matter what the demands on the other
channel. This enhances clarity and improves stereo imaging.
Each channel of the
Concept 16.5 has its own oversized power transformer, heavy-duty
bridge rectifier, and a pair of 10,000 uf
high-voltage electrolytic capacitors. Low-level power supplies
are obtained from separate transformer windings and are fully
regulated for complete isolation from the power supply.
A separate relay is used
to switch each pair of speakers, assuring that all the power is
available to them."
May be the best
sounding stereo receiver ever with a damping factor of 450, solid build quality, excellent tuner,
massive heatsinks
Bland/anonymous styling, faceplate metal dings/scratches easily,
rosewood vinyl covering on case, LEDs embedded in push buttons can be
The 1976
Pioneer SX-1250 literally set the audio world on its ears in when it
was introduced with a powerful ad campaign. All of a sudden,
a Japanese manufacturer, Pioneer Electronics, was the Top Dog
in the mainstream audio world with it's sensational looking
w/ch RMS receiver. I
was a Junior at UC Irvine when I first heard about the SX-1250.
And, after seeing the first ad for it, I wanted one BAD! Thirty years later, that dream came true.
I also got the successor model, the SX-1280, around the same time, but as you can see from the photos above,
the SX-1250 is the better built of the two.
Simply put, the
SX-1250 was the high-water mark for stereo receiver engineering.
In fact, 1976 was the
highwater mark for receiver engineering
(see 1976 Directory of Receivers), period. Never before had so many
receiver options been
offered by so many manufacturers. Although the SX-1250 caught
most of the competition asleep at the wheel, it was quickly
followed by the Kenwood KR-9600 (160 w/ch RMS), Technics SA-5760
(165 w/ch RMS) and then the truly monstrous 72
lb. Rotel RX-1603 (180 w/ch RMS), which had obvioulsy been in
development before the SX-1250 was introduced. Over the next two
(2) years, the rest of the manufacturers came out with their own
"monster receivers", but, although some were even more powerful
than the SX-1250, none were made with a higher level of
engineering and build quality. The SX-1250 was, and still is, considered one
of the
best built Receivers of all time.
Pioneer's SX-1010,
the top model before the SX-1250, had signaled the start of the
legendary "Power Wars"
in 1975. The 1010 also noteworthy in that it
marked the ascendency of the Japanese audio industry which had
not been taken very seriously before it arrived. The 1010
was quickly topped by the Marantz 2325, then the Sansui 9090 and then
Kenwood KR-9400. So, Pioneer, not to be outdone by its erstwhile
rivals, struck back quite convincingly with the SX-1250. It was a bold
move. The 1250's clean "all Silver" styling quickly took
hold and was shamelessly copied by most of the other manufacturers. The "Blue
Light" era of the SX-1010, Marantz 2325 and Sansui 9090DB was officially over!
But, the SX-1250 was about
much, much more than mere cosmetic ruffles. Its massive Toroidal
Transformer power supply is still regarded as one of the best
ever, with four hulking 22,000 uf filter capacitors. I
believe the SX-1250 was the first receiver with a Toroidal
transformer power
supply, although Tandberg also featureed them and I am not sure
who was actually first. Even though the subsequent SX-1280 was rated at 185 w/ch RMS, 20 wpc
more than the SX-1250, the 4 filter caps in the SX-1280 were
only 15,000 uf. And the 270 watt per channel SX-1980 had
essentially the same power supply as the SX-1250, making the
1250 considerably over-engineered relative to its rated power
and leaving the SX-1980 was left with spare dynamic range
beyond its rated power,
per the lab tests reported by High Fidelity in November 1978.
There has always been a
swirling controversy
over which was the "best" between the
Pioneer SX-1250,
SX-1980. Everyone, has their opinion and is entitled to it. I have owned 2 of the
3. From my vantage point, there is no question that in
terms of overall build quality, the SX-1250 easily tops the SX-1280
and has the more robust amplifier section of the two, the most important part of a
As for the SX-1980, it is
generally considered to be not as well built
has the SX-1250,
and has essentially the same power supply, but with
unobtainium "Power Packs" instead, pushed almost to its limit.
In their Test Report High Fidelity
stated: "The SX-1980 meets its power rating with a
smidgen to spare when both channels are driven. At
rated power, this distortion barely reaches half of the tight
0.03% spec. But, while the power is abundant, little remains in
reserve; dynamic headroom is just 1/4 dB. Like
many separate superamps, moreover, the power amp section
requires that the AC input really
stay at 120 volts (which domestic supplies seldom do) for the
full rated ouptput. But in such amps the high power rating is
itself a form of headroom-a hedge against the demands of musical
peaks and reduced voltages in the power distribution system."
And, since the SX-1980 had
Packs, unlike the discreet output
transistors in the SX-1250, in the event of
failure, these proprietary packs cannot be
replaced except from a donor SX-1980 (which whould now be prohbitively
So, that's why the SX-1980 is not
on my favorites list. No doubt it is a goreous beast, but the
SX-1250 is a more coherent, thoughtful design overall. BTW, I've also had a
Sansui G9000 but
mine had too
many problems and after three (3) attempts to repair it, I gave
up and just gave it away. (The G22000 and
were not true receivers IMHO.) What about the massive 87 lb. and 330
w/ch RMS
Technics SA-1000 you ask? I had
a Technics SA-800
(125 w/ch RMS), lthe next next model down from the SA-1000, and my overall
impression was "meh" so I expect the SA-1000 would just be a
bigger helping of the same and never really lusted after one.
The SA-1000 didn't
even have the "state of the art" toroidal transformer, and the
four (4) 18,000 uf filter capacitors were less than the SX-1250's,
even though the power rating was more than twice as much!
Something's fishy here. Other than
just sheer size, the SA-1000 was hardly cutting edge for the time. Lastly, I
have also owned a
Marantz 2325,
2270 and 2238B but,
although they are all excellent, they were not particuarly outstanding, or
cutting edge in any partricular way, and did not become
favorites of mine so they were all eBayed for a nice return.
It should be remembered
that the SX-1980 and the other truly massive
receivers were introduced at the very zenith of the Power
Wars and around the time that the
promulgated new regulations (interesting reading!) regarding the advertising of power
output specifications in an effort to bring some "law and order"
to the marketplace since
manufacturers were falling all over each other to have the
bragging rights of "most powerful ever". In essence, these new
regulations required that as far a power ratings were concerned,
that an amplifier be run a 1/3 its rated power for 1 hour,
before the full power test was performed. So, a receiver rated
at 300 w/ch RMS would have to be run at constant 100 w/ch RMS
for 1 hour before it could be tested for its full power.
Unfortunately for many receivers, this rigorous fried their
output transistors in teh process.
Regarding the SX-1980's
advertised power, of considerable interest,
a poster named "Jordan Richards", on July 22, 2018, posted on
the "Classic
Receivers" page: "U should correct the column naming the
SA-1000 recevier being the most powerful. Though Technics rated
it at 330 watts per channel it failed the FTC power disclosure
specification, it could not meet the 1 hour pre-conditioning
requirement. The only receiver in the mentioned brands was the
Marantz 2600 to meet its published power output specifications
under FTC testing conditions....Another receiver that failed to
meet its published power output specification was the Pioneer
SX-1990. In fact, the FTC actually issued a cease and desist
order (sic) Pioneer for its false advertising of the SX-1980
magazine ad. The actual power output of the SX-1980
under FTC testing conditions was 145 watts not 270 watts."
This is similar to the information provided to me by Rick
Jordan, VP of Product Development at Marantz during the 1970's
and 1980's. Is "Jordan Richards" Rick Jordan? Who knows? Sadly
for the Marantz 2600 and 2500, now over 40 years old, I have it
from a reliable source that by now all the six wafer selector
switches have failed, and replacements are unaobtainable. But,
my SX-1250 has never been worked on and still functions
flawlessly. That say a lot!
Unfortunately, I have
never found any test reports of the SX-1250 in Audio, High
Fidelity or Stereo Review. There are plenty of four-page
ads, like those above, but no reviews. I can only
wonder why.
The SX-1250 comes with heavy shielding over every section. This attention to
detail had simply not been seen in receivers before. And, the
perfomance of the SX-1250 was competitive with some of the finest separates of the
time. All in all, the 1250 was a "tour de force"
(official Pioneer SX-1250 brochure). That's why so many
owners swear by it after having owned it
almost 30 years! And, I agree. My SX-1250 gets played just about every day and has never
had to be repaired. It is 100% original. If feels bulletproff. But, just in case, here
is a video
of what is involved in restoring one.
Although trendsettting, the styling for the 1250
was tastefully
conservative and, for that reason it has held up quite well over
time. In
the rightmost photo, an SX-1250 sits atop an SX-1010 and beneath and
SX-1280, 880 and 1980 to give you an idea of their relatative
sixes. The second photo from the right shows an
SX-1250 beneath a
D-7000, Pioneer's first digital tuner
Receiver. The unique styling of the D-7000 came and went very quickly and no
other manufacturers followed.
Soundwise, the SX-1250 is
very enjoyable listen to, with the sense that now matter
how good the music sounds, there is always more, much, more if
you just want to turn up the volume at little bit more. The
damping factor is nowhere near the 450 of the Concept 16.5 and
the bass, like most Pioneers of this era, can sound to some ears
(not mine!) a bit muddy and "brooding" compared
directly with the punch and
of a Concept 16.5. However, the tuner section, even without
Quartz Lock, pulls in weaker stations with exceptional clarity,
whereas other receivers, including the 16.5, simply can't go there.
Although the
SX-1250 is still relatively common on E-Bay, for an admission price of
around $3,000 now for a fully operational/serviced one, mine
will stay just where it is.
A true "game changing"
product, exceptional build quality, commands respect by all
enthusiasts, all
discrete components, easy to repair, rugged and reliable over
the decades,
trendsetting styling, easy to repair
with discrete components, uncompromised sound quality,
"high-water mark" for analog receivers, overall the may be the
"best" overall stereo receiver ever
None, absolutely none
The 1978
Hitachi SR-2004 Class G Receiver, retailed for $950.00
and has the distinction of being the fifth most powerful "all in
one" Monster Receiver made during the "Power Wars" of the late
1970's with 200 w/ch RMS on tap, and one of the least well known. In fact, with its
dynamic headroom specification of +3db, it just might have been
the most powerful of all. And, it WAS the most powerful Class
"G" Receiver ever made.
which manufactured OEM electronics for most of the major audio
manufacturers, was a relative late-comer to the Receiver "Power
Wars". However, when Hitachi joined the fray with the SR-2004,
they certainly put their best foot forward. Almost all the major internal
components in the SR-2004, including the output transistors, were made by Hitachi, making this
receiver a real rarity and somewhat of a "purebred". And,
outside the box,
it has a
real presence about it.
Here's a fairly nice
featuring one. And, here's a "deep
The SR-2004 had most of the
bells and whistles of the other Monster
Receivers it was designed to compete against and a few
unexpected extras like switchable IF Bandwidth (wide/narrow),
"AutoLock" FM Tuning (triggered by changes in the
capacitance when you touch the tuning knob) to prevent FM drift, and a
SAW Filter. In fact the 5-gang front end on the SR-2004 was
part of one of the best analog receiver tuners ever. Be sure to take a
look at the specifications pages above.
The SR-2004's deluxe features also included
two (2) different Audio Muting levels, a front panel Mic Input
w/ level control and a very comprehensive Tone Control section
with bass, mid-range and treble controls with switchable
frequency settings for the bass and treble controls.
Although it weighed in at 56.2 pounds,
somewhat less than the Pioneer SX-1250's 65 lbs., what really made the SR-2004 stand out
was its "Class G" Amplifier. In fact,
according to a review from the December 1978 issue of High
Fidelity (in middle photos above), it was capable of dynamic peaks of 400
watts/ch "that gives it a shot a first place in the receiver
power race" and found
that the power output was actually more like 240 w/ch RMS.
Leonard Feldman in
Audio's November 1978
issue confirmed dynamic
headroom of just under 4.0 db, "higher than that of any other
receiver we have measured since was began testing for this new
specification". And, better yet, the Hitachi stayed relatively cool, a good
indicator for long transistor life. That's why the SR-2004 was
popular mostly among sound reinforcement professionals and DJs.
Roger Russell, former loudspeaker Guru for McIntosh Labs, was
kind enough to provide me with a copy of the review from his collection of audio magazines,
including his signature on the sitcky note!
The power supply was dominated by
a huge toroidal power transformer surrounded by four (4) huge
capacitors, 2 per channel. All of the internal electronics were
shielded by metal enclosures so that barely any wiring is
visible. And, of course, all eight (8) discrete output
transistors on the massive heatsinks were proudly marked
"Hitachi". Functionally, the Hitachi gives
up very little to the Pioneer SX-1250 performancewise. However,
whereas most monster-era receivers sound "loud enough" with the volume set to
9:00, the Hitachi needs to go to 12:00 for adequate volume.
Conversely, whereas most receivers are maxed out at 2:00, the
Hitachi just keeps going to 5:00.
So, now you
know a few of the reasons why the Hitachi SR-2004 is one of the
greatest stereo receivers ever made and one of my personal favorites.
Unfortunately, Hitachi was never able to establish an audio
brand identity in the American market, so the Hitachi audio line
essentially disappeared after 1984 and the SR-2004 is now just a
vague memory in the minds of most enthusiasts.
For the
technically inclined, what follows is a description of "Class G"
amplification from a forum at audiokarma.org:
Class G,
Class H Amplifiers Explained:
Soundcraftsmen made some EXCELLENT sounding Class H amps. The
Hitachi Class G amplifier allowed them to make a 200 wpc unit
that could double that output as required for short periods.
These are popular where high-power and cool-running are needed,
such as in pro applications and in mobile (cars) systems due to
their efficiency. I have four of the big Soundcraftsmen amps,
and let me say again, they are GREAT sounding amps (or they have
no sound of their own, I guess is the point of my comment).
Class G
Class G improves efficiency in another way: an ordinary class AB
amplifier is driven by a multi-rail power supply. A 500 watt
amplifier might have three positive rails and three negative
rails. The rail voltages might be 70 volts, 50 volts, and 25
volts. As the output of the amplifier moves close to 25 volts,
the supply is switched the 50 volt rail. As the output moves
close to the 50 volt rail, the supply is switched to the 70 volt
rail. These designs are sometimes called "Rail Switchers". This
design improves efficiency by reducing the "wasted" voltage on
the output transistors. This voltage is the difference between
the positive (red) supply and the audio output (blue). Class G
can be as efficient as class D or T. While a class G design is
more complex, it is based on a class AB amplifier and can have
the same clean characteristics as well.
Class H
Class H is similar to class G, except the rail voltage is
modulated by the input signal. The power supply rail is always
just a bit higher than the output signal, keeping the voltage
across the transistors small and the output transistors cool.
The modulating power supply rail voltage is created by similar
circuitry that you would find in a class D amplifier. In terms
of complexity, this type of amplifier could be thought of as a
class D amplifier driving a class AB amplifier and is therefore
fairly complex.
Here's a
different point of view from an audio technician, "Ron", who
e-mailed me in response to this page:
"My other comment has to do
with your definition of Class G, where you state: "an ordinary
class AB amplifier is driven by a multi-rail power supply". This
is incorrect. Classes A to D are defined by conduction angle of
the output devices, regardless of number or level of supply
rails. (In Class A, output devices conduct at all times, through
360 degrees). In Class AB, between 180 to 360 degrees, depending
on input signal level. In Class B, 180 degrees. In Class C
(never used for audio), less than 180 degrees. In Class D,
alternating conduction through a small angle.) In contrast,
Classes G and up (coined in Advertising, rather than
Engineering) define the power supply and not the output device
operation. IOW, a Class G supply can still feed a Class A, AB, B
(or even C or D) output stage."
600 WPC power
meters (who else had those?), runs very cool, rugged look
anonymous styling,
vinyl covering on case, need to turn up the volume at bit to tap
into the power reserves
The 1979 Kenwood KR-9050 receiver,
retailed for $1,250.00 and has the distinction of being the
powerful receiver ever fielded by Kenwood, featuring a
"High Speed"
DC amplifier rated at a romping 200 w/ch RMS.
To keep the massive power amplfier section cool, most of the
inside is comprised of a massive heatsink, as you can see in the
middle photo.
directly followed
but somehow never achieved the same level of popularity or
status, although it had a higher power rating by 40 w/ch RMS.
In addition to the prodigious power output, the KR-9050 also
incorporated Kenwood's most advanced analog tuner
You can learn the more intricate details about the KR-9050's
Speed" DC amplifier design, and see the rest of Kenwood's receiver ilneup
for 1978, in
this Kenwood Full Line Brochure.
Soundwise, I consider the KR-9050 to be in the
top rank of vintage Receivers. The tuner, with its Quartz Lock,
adjustable IF bandwidth and two-level Stereo Sensitivity, features
little to be desired. A large number of stations come in "loud
'n clear". Better yet, the "Hi-Speed" "Dual Power Supply"
amplifier is just that: lively and powerful. And,
it looks very impressive with a real walnut case
with subdued panel lights.
However, on the downside, the switchgear is
mostly plastic, with thin
metal caps, which
can break off easily and I have seen some with that "toothless"
look. The selector knobs, with plastic
cores, also lack the affirmative
click of the Pioneer SX-1250 which had solid metal machined knobs
set screws.
Unfortunately, the plastic got even profligate with Kenwood's follow-up to the
KR-9050, the infamous
aka "The Galaxy Commander". At one point I actually had two
Galaxy Commanders, being infatuated with their
"Star Wars" style. However,
the plastic faceplates, chintzy-feeling buttons and the relatively wimpy
125 w/ch RMS amplifier resulted in
both them
being given away in the Great Audio Giveaway. One "Galaxy Commander" is shown atop
my Sansui
G-9000, which I also gave away, in the far right photo.
Fortunately, the KR-9050's exceptional overall performance saved
it from being a gift!
Strong performer in all
respects, one of the very best of its time, exceptional analog
tuner with Quartz lock
Heatsinks are fully enclosed, knobs are plastic
core with metal caps, feels a
little cheaper than it should

The 1976
Rotel RX-1603 Receiver, retailed for $1,100.00 and had
the distinction of being
the most
powerful "all in one" Monster Receiver (nicely shot video but in
a foreign
language) when it was first introduced in 1976 (180 w/ch RMS)
shortly after the Pioneer SX-1250 and, briefly, snatching away
the crown as "the most powerful receiver in the world" (see
1976 Receiver Directory).
And, it was the most powerful Receiver ever made by Rotel,
the British audio manufacturer.
But, this powerful of a receiver coming from a relatively minor
manufacturer should not come as a surprise since in 1978 Rotel
introduced the stunning 117 lb.
RB-5000 Power Amplifier (also shown at right, above) rated at an
astounding 500 w/ch RMS and priced at a very
affordable $2,650! According to
Stereo Review's test report, it even exceeded this
outrageous output and could not be switched from a preamplifier
since it sucked 3,200 watts from a 120-volt power line at full
tilt. I suspect that the
RB-5000 has more in comming with the RX-1603 than just the knobs!
Maybe the power transformers are even the same.
The RX-1603
was of completely conventional design electronically, although
the cabinet was designed to separate the front from the rear
(tuner/pre-amp & amp.) because it was extraordinarily deep
as a single unit.
This was similar in concept to the subsequent Sansui G22000/G33000,
which were a more refined execution of this basic approach.
The inside of the amp. section is dominated by a huge "Rotel"
toroidal transformer with two 22,000 uF 80V power
capacitors literally the size of coffee cans. The output
transistors were top of the line hand picked and hand tested
Sanken 2SC1586s. And, those front handles were not
just for show, either. Given its bulk, weighing in at
over 72 lbs. with both components attached, it was very difficult to move
around without the handles.
page details an RX-1603 rebuild, and provides a good look at
how it is constructed.
I've listened to my own RX-1603
on a fairly regular basis and the sound is full and rich in detail.
My speakers are not particularly sophisticated (yet) so the more
esoteric elements of its performance I am not worthy to
evaluate. It seems to be SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful that the
Pioneer SX-1280, even though the rated power output is about the
same. I read somewhere on the net that the RX-1603 actually
specs out a around 250 w/ch RMS, but I have not yet confirmed this
personnally with a benchtest at my Tech's for fear of ruining my
back hauling it over there!
RX-1603 also gained a degree of
immortality after being featured on the cover of Stereo Review's issue
covering the stunning rise of Monster Receivers in 1978. It's the second
unit from the bottom in the rightmost photo. Personally, after
the Marantz 2600, I think it's the most intriguing looking
Monster Receiver. The FM performance seems a little weak
compared to the competition, however,
the amplifier section more than makes up for it by delivering a
powerful, punchy bottom end that doesn't overwhelm the crisp highs and
detailed mids. It's a keeper.
presence just sitting still, beefy bass performance, solid feeling to
all controls
Massive pain
to move even with handles, looks like the budget ran dry in back

The 1980
Marantz SR9000G retailed for $950.00 and replaced the Model
2600 (top photo, middle panel) as the top Marantz receiver
worldwide. It was also the last Marantz receiver
manufactured by Marantz Japan. It was sold only in Europe and
was never imported to the USA, however,
it served as the design basis
for the Marantz SR-8000 (based on the European SR-8010), sold only in North America, which was
only half as powerful for reasons unknown. By this time, the
receiver "Power Wars" of the mid-70's was winding down but why Marantz
did not bring the SR9000G in America remains baffling.
What attracts
me to the SR9000G is its unique blend of old and new school. It
paid homage to the very first Marantz receiver, the 1967 Model
18, in the layout of its knobs and having rectangular buttons,
unlike the round buttons of previous generations. It also used
the same iconic fonts. The middle panel, above, shows an SR9000G
atop a Model 18 for the sake of comparison. However, the SG9000G
had several features that no Marantz receiver before it,
including the 2600, ever had: a quartz synthesized digital
turner, auto scan tuning, a 7 pre-set "Computuner", LED power
meters and an FM multipath indicator.
Some vintage
audio collectors have considerable disdain for
Marantz equipment from the 1980's citing a
lower quality of construction and overall performance than
before. Most of Marantz's TOTL stereo receivers of the 80's are in the
composite photo far right starting with the SR9000G, then the SR8100DC,
SR940 and TA170AV. The 1989 SR3600 Dolby Surround Receiver is
not included. The 1984 SR940 (100 x 2) was particularly
controversial as it was all digital and emlimnated knobs entirely.
And, sadly, it was also the first Marantz receiver
with an entirely plastic face, which is where
the perceived decline in quality became quite obvous. However,
many critics of 80's Marantz receivers have never owned one, or even heard one.
Although not as big and powerful as the awesome
Model 2600
the SR9000G was still a "Monster Receiver"
in its own right featuring a (first for Marantz) DC amplifier at a rated 130 w/ch RMS.
It also eliminated the 2600's cooling fan, which many claim was
audible at low levels. I have listened to a 2600 and never
noticed the fan, but who listens to a 2600 at low levels anyway?
A 2220B sounds better at low levels anyway. Regarless, the SR9000G did mark a turning point in Marantz's fortunes, as the
Company began a steep
downhill slide
in prestige after it was taken over
by Dutch
electronics giant Philips in 1979.
Recently, I made the
acquaintance of one Richard Jordan,
Product Manager and VP of Product Development/Marketing for
Marantz USA, who oversaw the development for all Marantz audio
components (including receivers, video products and loudspeakers)
from 1974 to 1987. Regarding the 9000G, he had this to
"120v version
available, was sold through the military PX & audio clubs... I
recall the 9000 was the last Marantz receiver built by Marantz
"Around that time, Phillips
(Netherlands) had bought the off-shore assets of Marantz, but
Marantz USA kept the North American territory. John Ballantine
did all the Marantz receivers till '87. Yes, I would write a
book about the 2500/2600, it was a wattage horsepower race with
Pioneer & Technics. Over lunch 1 day I was with the pro-audio
engineers we decided to design a receiver to kick butt... We
took our amplifier circuit from the 510m pro amplifier,
tuner/scope from the best Marantz component line, designed a
great photo preamp circuit here in the USA. Next I went to Japan
with 1 of the pro engineers and we presented our plan for the
2500... It took the Japanese team about 2 weeks to confirm back
their understanding. Then it took another 12 months going
through tooling and evaluating prototypes in order to start mass
production. At the start of production I was in Japan and hand
carried back the 1st production samples. To say the least it was
a big hit for sales and today a sano 2500/2600 can sell for
$5-9K. In 1 of my (3) systems I still use a 2600... I have been
offered big $$ for it but intend to give it to my son..".
"Some debate what stereo
receiver was king of the hill?? But the 2600 had the most power
plus scope, quartz lock tuner, incredible phono preamp.
Unfortunately, the competition's jumbo receivers all failed the
rigorous FTC preconditioning test. But since the 2500/2600 used
the patented, servo-controlled tunnel heat sink from the pro
amplifier 510M it did just fine when pushed hard.... Regarding
the purchase price to employees, we typically could get
significant discounts. But, whenever I wanted a product, I would
get it directly from Marantz Japan and handcarry back from Japan
since I was over there 4 or 5 times a year..."
So, the controvery over
whether the 9000G is a "legitimate Marantz" product, as opposed
to merely a Phillips step-child, is over. Richard Jordan, the
"father" of the Model 2600 has confirmed
that indeed the SR9000G was developed at Marantz USA by the same minds
(particulary his and John Ballantine's) that
created the legendary 2500 and 2600 monsters (although they both had
some reliability issues and did not make it here) and made in
the same factory. Despite this
pedigree, however, the 9000G has never acquired cult status,
although those who have actually heard one
give it rather high marks for its performance.
Unfortunately, the SR9000G
had obvious signs of cost cutting. The buttons
were plastic, not metal capped. Gone were the Toroidal power
transformer, the "cooling tunnel" and "dual secondary" power supplies of
the previous top of trhe line models. Also gone were
double-ganged (independent left/right) tone controls and, sadly,
even the brand-identifying
"Gyro-Touch" tuning. Marantz had digitial tuners with
Gyro-Touch but, mysteriously, it did not appear on another
Marantz recever until 20 years later on the massive SR-14EX. Lastly,
the SR9000G's wood sleeve enclosure was covered with
a tacky vinyl
rather than real walnut veneer. And, It was not sold with a metal case.
No wonder there was a perception of lower quality!
Once I got my SR9000G, being
unable to find any information about it at the time, I took it over
to my friend
Tom Ishimoto's shop
(Tom used to work with Richard Jordan at Marantz in the 1980's) and he benchtested
my then 35 year old receiver at 150 w/ch,
20-20kHz at 0.022% THD, a performance that puts it in the
Monster Receiver league, albeit barely. By the way, Tom is not
your average Tech as he
developed the servo-lock and quartz-lock FM circuits while he was at Oknyo.
But, even he did know
about the SR9000G! That's how rare a bird it was.
Issues of cost cutting
aside, unlike the 2500/2600 and
their controversial reliability issues, my SR9000G has
proven very reliable with conventional components. So knowing it
was a "keeper", I had case on mine redone with a
real rosewood veneer case beautifully crafted by "LBPete" over at
AudioKarma.org. This "odd duck" now looks absolutely magnificent, as seen in the left three
(3) photos. Although the veneer is not original, I like to
consider my SR9000G as one of the nicest examples of one in the
world today. And, I hang
onto it because I like the overall design ethic a great deal.
It has an "Art Deco" vibe that I particualry enjoy. If only the
lens over the display had been aqua toned glass instead
of plastic, the knobs solid metal and the case with a
real wood veneer, it would have looked and felt like a true
top of the line Receiver for its era.
Of interest, on a recent E-Bay auction for an
SR9000G, the Seller posted the following information from "Nico" in
"The real first digital Marantz
receiver was the SR 8010 DC (100x2). It came out in 1980 and
looked like the twin to the SR9000G...What these receivers all
have in common is that they were developed, designed and
produced in Japan....and Philips had not yet taken over Marantz.
In the pre-amplifier section MOS FET transistors and in the main
amplifier section selected Japanese EBD transistor are
absolutely the same like the output signal and not similar....In
my opinion the SR 9000G is the best receiver Marantz ever built
and not the model 2385 which many people consider to be the
best. I compared these two receivers side by side and I think
the SR9000G performs better because of the fantastic authentic
sound and the harmonic distortion of less than 0.01%, thanks to
the DC amplification, which the models before 1980 (like the
2385) did not have. The power of the SR9000G is nearly the same
power of the 2385 and, therefore, enough for a hifi freak like
me. I do not appreciate the two bigger receivers (2500 and 2600)
because of the built-in-fan which is not comfortable in daily
use at low volume level."
Incidentally, my Tech recently
told me of the owner of a 2600 who disconnected the fan of his
2600 and "fried the amplifier". Geeez, folks! The fan was there for a reason!
Unique early "80's" styling by the legendary John Ballantine,
very satisfying performance, ample power output
is not what it should be for a TOTL Marantz, controls feel frail,
fragile vinyl case
T |
The 1978
Toshiba SA-7150, retailed for $1,195.00 and has the
distinction of being the "world's first"
receiver with a Quartz Digital Synthesizer Tuner. In that way it was the forefather of
all that was to come. It was also an FM lover's delight, since
it also had built-in Dolby FM (no module needed), switchable IF Bandwidth
(wide/narrow), Hi-Blend and even Air Check (a white noise
generator) for setting recording levels. Some may remember that
there were a couple of other receivers that had come out before
with a digital display for the tuner, the mid-priced
1972 Magnavox 1500 Plus DTI (50 w/ch RMS) and the rather
1975 Hervic HR150 (75 w/ch RMS). However, what they both had
an analog turner with a digtal display, so neither was a true
"digital turner" by any means. And, unfortunately, the
performance of the Hervic's turner
was not very
impressive. So, the SA-7150 was the certainly "world's
first" digital synthesized tuner as Toshiba's ad, above, so
proudly proclaims.
Plus, all this
wizardry came backed with
a powerful 150 w/ch RMS amplifier featuring a "dual mono design"
supported by a huge
toroidal power transformer. In fact, the Toshiba engineers were so
fanatical about the power supply that the SA-7150 even had a
separate power transformer for the tuner/pre-amp circuits. In
every respect,
this was the "state of the art" in 1978. And,
that's why it's a favorite.
To quote from the Owner's
"The all-important power supply for the SA-7150 is
divided into separate supplies for the pre- and power amplifier
stages. the power amplifier supply is then further divided into
independent left and right power
supplies, employing separate pairs of high grade heavy duty
electrolytic capacitors (15,000 uf x 2 per channel) and a
massive Toroidal transformer for excellent regulation. The
SA-7150 is thus able to deliver its huge reserves of power right
down into the ultra-low frequency region with greatly reduced
dynamic crosstalk distortion.
advances in audio circuit technology have given the SA-7150
Digital Synthesizer AM/FM Stereo Receiver an incredibly huge
reserve of output power at practically non-existent distortion
levels. Super-low-noise dual transistors (developed especially
for Toshiba audio equipment) in the 1st-stage differential
amplifier, and parallel push-pull connected power transistors
(of particularly outstanding transient response) in the power
stage, deliver 150 watts of power per channel (both channels
driven) into 8 ohms from 20 to 20 kHz with no more than 0.05%
which also manufactured OEM electronics for most of the major audio
companies during the 1970's, was a late-comer to the Receiver "Power Wars".
However, when they joined the fray with the SA-7150, they
certainly put
their best foot forward. Almost all the internal components in
the SA-7150 were made by Toshiba, making this receiver, like the
Hitachi SR-2004, a real rarity.
And, it has a very distinctive look which has
aged rather well, with the
bright digital display and multi-color LEDs contrasting nicely with the
legacy analog Power Meters. rated up to 500 watts.
advanced tuner section in the SA-7150 heradled Toshiba's worldwide
leadership in tuner technology. Toshiba placed itself in the
forefront in 1974
Toshiba with the release of their
ST-910 Digital Tuner (also marketed
under the "Aurex" brand) which was the most advanced
tuner in the world.
And, much
of this technology was incorporated into the SA-7150.
Unique hybrid
digital/analog styling, audiophile-oriented circuit design,
impressive FM Tuner
Front door is
too heavily sprung, vinyl case looks out of place for this
league, internally mounted

The 1977 Setton
RS-660 certainly qualifies as one of the rarest of the
Monster Receivers. And, one of the nicest looking to boot! The
Setton line had only three (3) receivers, the RS-220, RS-440 and
the top of the line Setton RS-660. The RS-660 retailed for
$900.00, making it one of 1977's more expensive receivers.
The Setton line was allegedly designed by Allain Caire, an
acolyte of Pierre Cardin (although it is mistakenly claimed that
the master himself was involved) and was marketed to an "elite"
audience. Jack Setton was actually the French distributor for Pioneer and
had decided to come to market with his own brand. In Europe,
Setton distributed some really interesting equipment, like the
outrageous (for the time)
RCX-1000 modular tuner/pre-amp, which shares only its knob
design with the RS-660 shown here.
Viewed from the front the
RS-660 is rather large. The middle photo shows the smaller
Setton RS-440 atop a Concept 16.5, just to give you an idea.
All the Settons featured a
unique "Security Panel" display, with indicators for "Heat",
"Clipping" and "Protection". This included the fairly outrageous
BS-5500 Power Amplifier (middle photos), a true "dual mono"
design, complete with 2 power switches! The BS-5500 was basically the
RS-660's power supply section multiplied by 2. The power supply
filter caps in the RS-660 were fairly substantial at 15,000uF x
2. It also had switchable turnover frequencies for the Bass and
Treble control and a Hi/Lo phono impedance setting on the rear
In use, the RS-660's
are silky smooth and the sound is "rich" and full bodied. So, no
complaints there. However, despite the alluring cosmetics, the
wood sleeve that it comes with is covered with a really tacky
walnut woodgrain vinyl, which gets quite sticky with age as it
deteriorates. (It also shrinks away from the top vent.) In keeplding
with its upscale pretenstions, Setton also offered an unusually long warranty
period of 5 years.
Attempting to add to the
exclusive allure, each Setton Receiver was benchmarked at the
factory and came with its own individualized spec sheet, signed
off by a Tech. When the RS-660 first came on the market, its
published spec was 100 w/ch RMS. However, Setton had underrated
it, and so it was re-spec'd at 120 w/ch RMS without any change
in the circuitry. Even at that, it was still underrated. It's
actually good for around 135 w/ch RMS.
Performance aside, a considerable amount
of money was invested in the RS-660's "cosmetics". All the
buttons are solid metal and the feel of the controls, with their
nylon inserts, is almost silky. It is a real pleasure to use.
But the vinyl on the case is another story entirely. It shrinks
with age and get a greasy feeling How could
they do this? I couldn't stand it, so I had had the vinyl case on mine redone with
matching grain real
walnut veneer by "Merrylander" at AudioKarma.org and I'm
pretty sure it's now one of the nicest looking RS-660s in existence.
On a side note:
The Setton receivers have always been a source of some
controversy since it is well known that they were not
manufactured by Setton, but outsourced to a Japanese OEM.
However, that issue has now been resolved for the most part,
since it appears that the
Settons were manufactured in Japan by the same outfit ("Planet
Research") that did some Lafayette Radio products, like the LR-9090.
However, other people claim it was made by Trio Electronics, parent of
Kenwood, or even Pioneer. I actiually acquired an LR-9090 just to
compare them and can attest that
internally, they are about 90% the same, although the power
transformer and the pre-amp board are different. So, they are
not identical behind the faceplate but clearly
made by the same manufacturer. And, while not identical twins,
they are clearly brothers. (See middle comparison photo.) Photos
of the internals of the LR-9090 and RS-660 are in the middle
photos above.
Photos of my LR-9090 are on the right.
Sadly, I can't really say I listen to
my RS-660 very often because the Setton Receivers have a dreaded
Achilles Heel: the power switch is incorporated into the speaker
selector and sometimes this can create an electrical arc which
destroys the now unobtainium selector. Fortunately, the much more common
LR-9090 has the identical switch.
There are also workarounds, including adding a relay to take the
stress off the power switch. I bought my LR-9090 as a source of parts for the Setton.
This thread contains a
rather lengthy discussion of the RS660's virtues and vices.
When professional critics evaluated the
performance of the Setton Receivers, they received fairly
glowing reviews. Unfortunately, I haven't found any English
reviews of the RS-660. But, below is what I found:

A review of the
RS-660 from a French audio magazine. (Can someone
translate this for me?)
A review of the
very similar Lafayette LR-9090 from Stereo Review. |
A review of the "little
brother" RS-440 from Stereo Review had this to say:
"Although style is a very personal
consideration, there can be no doubt that the Setton
RS-440's front panel is both unconventional and unique -
although unmistakably a stereo receiver it will never be
confused with any other make. To us, the Setton RS-440
appears to be in impeccable visual taste, with sonic
performance to match". |
Overall sound quality,
positive feel of the controls, high-end "Pierre Cardin" styling,
innovative Security Panel
Tacky vinyl walnut
clad case, "a Lafayette with lipstick"
>>> More
Favorite Receivers